New Beginnings


“Mama, I’m scared.”

She reached down, smoothed his hair, whispered, “It’s okay.”

His grip tightened around her leg, fist closing on the ear of his stuffed bunny.

She crouched, put a finger under his chin to lift it. “It’s bunnies. Just bunny feet.” She looked at him and smiled. “They’ve come to visit their friend here.”

He pulled the stuffed animal to his chest, she wrapped her body around his, squinted her eyes at the ceiling, flinched at the explosions on their roof.

“Bunnies hopping,” she breathed, closed her eyes. “Lovely thought. When we go, we’ll go with them.”


Flash Fiction Challenge over at Carrot Ranch

March 19, prompt: RabbitIn 99 words (no more, no less) write a story that includes a rabbit (or many rabbits) on the roof.



25 thoughts on “New Beginnings

  1. What a fabulous story, Sarah. You’ve done it again – created a chilling story in so few words. Brave, reassuring Mama, with no sense of hope. I don’t think any more words were required.

    Liked by 1 person

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