I’ve Known This Season #WritePhoto



I’ve known this season.

Danced with dying dreams.

Watched bits of myself float away.

Sometimes I tried to hold on. Other times I watched those pieces fly from me in the autumn breeze.

Both were painful.

Both left me bare and vulnerable.

Yet I’ve survived. Grown stronger.


I don’t always change in my own time.

It could be another’s clock that ticks and clicks at me.

In crisp air, I show my true colors. 

What are they? What will the world think of them?

I wait, worry, wonder…


But the oak, anticipating winter, knows she will become more beautiful as she lets go. 


Here is my attempt at #writephoto, a weekly writing prompt for poetry/flash/short stories hosted by Sue Vincent




16 thoughts on “I’ve Known This Season #WritePhoto

  1. Pingback: Photo prompt round-up: Copper #writephoto | Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

  2. Pingback: I’ve Known This Season | Lemon Shark

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