

Tina’s legs, splattered with droplets of mud, stuck out from under her dress. A white, frilly thing her aunt insisted she wear today.

“What are you doing? Get off the ground!” Her aunt put her lips close to the girl’s ear, “People are staring!” She hissed.

“White is for weddings,” Tina traced patterns in the brown puddle by her hip. She swirled her finger in circles then squinted. “White is for clouds,” she pointed at the puddle. “Look. They bring rainbows to the mucky mud.”

“Get. Up.”

Tina wiped mud on her dress. “White is not for funerals, Auntie.”




Flash Fiction Challenge over at Carrot Ranch


February 9, 2017 prompt: Rainbows in puddles In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story about a rainbow in a puddle. Create action or character reflection.


Sarah Brentyn Reef 99 Words - sig


21 thoughts on “Puddles

  1. Pingback: The Murky Side of the Rainbow « Carrot Ranch Communications

  2. You did it again. I definitely wasn’t thinking funerals – more putting little girls in “pretty” clothes that are unsuitable for play. Good on her for finding a way, not so much to cause her aunt displeasure but, to express her opinion, which is just as, if not more so, valid as her aunt’s. Not her Mum’s funeral I hope.

    Liked by 2 people

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